Queen Latifah loses 20 pounds

Credit: WENN
Jennifer Love Hewitt isn’t the only celebrity to lose weight recently – Queen Latifah, spokeswoman for Jenny Craig, has lost 20 pounds since January. She isn’t planning to lose any more, as this is enough to help her stay healthy.

“I’m not caught up in how big or small I am,” the actress/singer, 38, tells In Touch of her weight-loss strategy, “Some people say they’re a skinny person trapped in a big girl’s body and I’ve never seen myself like that. I just feel like I could get a little healthier, so why not?” she says. Queen was inspired to diet by a sobering statistic. “I had read that if you lost 5 percent of your body weight, you could cut your chances of things like heart disease in half. Jenny Craig mentioned the same statistic to me, so we connected on a health level.”

In Touch

Queen Latifah says she is happiest at around 195-210 pounds, but declines to say what she weighs now. It’s so great she is doing it for her health and not just to look good in a bikini. For most people losing only a small percentage of your body weight is what a doctor recommends as it is sustainable. Yo-yo dieting can be very damaging to your health.

She’s only lost 2-3 pounds a months, which seems like a sensible rate of weight loss. She doesn’t mention any exercise as part of the program, although I’ve seen pictures of her working out, and her presumed partner is a trainer. She always looks so beautiful and glowing, and she looks much slimmer than she did in the film Chicago. Congratulations Queen Latifah!

Photos below – Credit: PRPhotos
