Peaches Geldof tweets photos of herself cudding with Astala: really cute, right?

Peaches Geldof

I can’t decide exactly how to feel about Peaches Geldof these days. Obviously, she loves being a new mummy, and the near universal hope is that her new responsibilities will lead her to settle down at least somewhat and stop being such a party girl. Of course, all of the cute baby photos in the world won’t stop the nagging feeling that Peaches is growing skinnier by the day and looked super thin a month after giving birth, which leads to suspicions that she could have fallen prey to some of her former demons such as another braindead juicing diet or even worse.

For the moment however, Peaches has convinced me that she’s got little Astala’s best interests at heart, but that’s only because she’s tweeted some cute photos of her loving up on her baby. These are actually cuter than the last batch, I think. Also, a few of these photos might indicate that Peaches has dyed her hair red, but it could just be one of those wacky Instagram filters at work.

Peaches Geldof

One of the photos that Peaches posted features Astala with Peaches’ baby daddy, Thomas Cohen. He’s actually a pretty handsome guy in this photo (because the rampant skinniess isn’t showing through), but he still looks like a young Bob Geldof. I just can’t get over that undeniable fact.

Peaches Geldof

More Peaches and Astala pics below! She does make a pretty cute mummy.

Peaches Geldof

Peaches Geldof

Peaches Geldof

Photos courtesy of Twitter
