Octomoms ex boyfriend thinks hes her oldest sons father


Octomom Nadya Suleman has long insisted that all of her kids have the same father. She’s said he was a sperm donor who’s just a friend, and that she will never ever reveal his identity. Of course with Nadya the truth is a slippery slope, as are most ethical issues. I’m convinced she’d reveal his identity for the right amount. Nadya’s also said she has no idea who the people are that In Touch recently cited in a story saying she was a stripper for more than a year. One of the guys they quoted was a limo driver. And it turns out she probably has a VERY good idea who he is – because he’s her ex-boyfriend. And he also thinks he’s probably the father of her oldest child.

Ever since she first became famous, Nadya Suleman has insisted that her 14 children were all fathered by the same unidentified donor. But it appears that Octomom may not be telling the truth. In an exclusive interview with In Touch, her ex-boyfriend says he believes he’s the father of Nadya’s eldest son, Elijah, 7 — and is demanding genetic testing.

“I want to get a DNA test on that first kid,” says Luis Ceballos, 32, who served as Nadya’s driver during the year she spent working as a stripper at bachelor parties, private events and the San Diego club Spearmint Rhino (now called Star & Garter). Luis claims he and Nadya, 33, had unprotected “sex in the back of my limo. Right around the time she stopped stripping and disappeared, I found out she was pregnant. That is why I think the kid is mine.”

[From In Touch]

Obviously we don’t know much about this guy and don’t know if he’s reputable. But Nadya’s been caught in repeated lies, so we know she sure as hell isn’t. And the guy’s story makes sense. In Touch got three separate people who all said Nadya stripped for a year. She’s still claiming it was one night in a lingerie contest. She said all her kids have the same father, but considering all the other lies, why is that believable?

All that said, this guy could just be looking for his fifteen minutes. But frankly, why would you want to be associated with this whole debacle? I’d rather be famous for getting stuck in a well or drunkenly falling onto the train tracks at Penn Station. Both better options that being associated with Nadya Suleman in any way. And if Ceballos really is Elijah’s father, he’s probably going to have to start paying child support – and possibly back child support as well. Odd, I know, but courts do that sometimes, even when the dad never knew he had a kid. You’d think that given all the potential negatives, he either legitimately wants to be involved with his kid, or he knows for sure it isn’t his son and can grab a little bit of attention for a short time. Either way, I bet he’s got a lot more to say about Nadya.

Here’s Octomom out and about yesterday. Images thanks to BauerGriffinOnline and Pacific Coast News.
