Anna Nicole cant flash her crotch, so she claims to be preggers again

Anna Nicole did an Entertainment Tonight interview in which she tried to refute rumors about her trashtastic lifestyle. She appeared heavily made up and slurred her responses on camera, but she wasn’t as obviously inebriated as Danny DeVito on The View, and it’s possible that she just always sounds like that. She said that everyone around her wants their 15 minutes, and that they’re making up rumors about how she’s living in a dark house without power to get their name in the papers. She claims she rightfully owns the house from which she’s being evicted, but that she’s buying another big house on the water anyway.

She plans to stay in the Bahamas as her son is buried there and she had her baby daughter there.

She cried pitifully when talking about Thanksgiving, and says that she didn’t celebrate it because she’s too choked up over not having Daniel there to ask for his favorite candied yam dish.

Oh, and she said she’s pregnant again months after her having her baby Dannielynn, just like Britney. She tried to take it back, but it was too late and she achieved the desired effect. We’re all going to talk about her today. At least we don’t have to look at her snatch.

Turning to the cameras, Smith said, “I think I might be pregnant again.”

She added, “I’m not ready. (But) Howard wants to have another baby, he wants to have a little boy.”

Smith was referring to Howard K. Stern, her partner and father of her three-month-old daughter Dannielyn.

A few minutes later, she realized that she may have said a little bit too much.

“I feel we should change the subject,” she said, giggling.

The show reported that off-camera Smith told producers that she wasn’t really pregnant, she was just kidding.

You can watch the video yourself through the Entertainment Tonight website. (Video link is to the upper right.) I didn’t hear Anna Nicole say she was pregnant, but it’s possible ET cut that part out of the Internet version, and the source that claims she did is CBS news, which seems solid enough.

Anna Nicole is also being legally compelled to return to the states and submit to paternity testing, but considering that she has a lawyer for a lapdog who also claims to be the baby’s father, it’s unlikely that she’ll do so any time soon.

Thanks to ONTD and I’m Not Obsessed for the links.
