Jennifer Aniston was just slammed by her ex-boyfriends widow, ouch


Remember about a month ago, when Angelina Jolie had a really terrible week? The Sony Hack blew up and everyone found out that Scott Rudin called her a minimally talented spoiled brat. Angelina got chicken pox, and Unbroken was majorly snubbed at the Golden Globes? Angelina weathered that storm because this too shall pass. And now it’s time to pass on that message to Jennifer Aniston, because she’s having a bad week. She lost the Golden Globe for Best Actress. Her Globes dress was boring. Her Cake premiere dress was awful. And today, she’s going to have the sinking realization that she spent easily more than a million dollars trying to score an Oscar nomination and she failed miserably.

And now this: remember how Jennifer Aniston mentioned her first great love in her NYT interview? The guy passed away in 2007, and some people were uncomfortable with the way Aniston spoke about a dead man who had completely moved on and married someone else in the years that followed their breakup. They had two children together, and his wife was with him until the bitter end. And now his widow wrote a Facebook post slamming Aniston. The guy’s name was Daniel McDonald and his widow is Mujah Maraini-Melehi. Here’s what she wrote:

In light of what’s been happening around the world, this may seem like a very trivial and superficial post. This past 24 hours have been very difficult for me….. I am very upset that the media is exploiting Daniel’s memory in connection to Jennifer Aniston. What is precious shines in our hearts and should not be splayed for everyone’s consumption in the media this way.

Why now? I wonder. After decades of stardom, she is media savvy enough to know that any casual comment she makes becomes front page tabloid news. Jennifer Aniston is Jennifer Aniston, and that means that anything that she says about her love life to any journalist, even someone as reputable as New York Times’ Frank Bruni, will be later dissected and exploited.

My heart aches to see our tragedy of losing Daniel to serve the media’s hunger for sensationalism. I remember how journalists often called our home to ask Daniel for information about Jennifer, and being the gentleman that he was, he would always decline to comment on anything at all. I imagine he would be appalled to be caught up in this media circus, especially after he had found Love and built a family of his own.

His love is part of our fabric — part of me , part of Fosco, part of Ondina. Please respect our love and especially our Loss. The children lost their father. I lost my partner. I am sorry that Jennifer did not realize the treasure that was Daniel when she had the chance, long before he and I met and long before he died. It pains me to read the headlines that allude to her losing him tragically when she was not present during his long and difficult illness.

That said perhaps Daniel’s gift was to teach her how to love and appreciate Justin Theroux. I know how much Daniel cared about her, and how protective he was of her. That was part of what I loved about him. I find it very hard to believe that she may not have married Brad Pitt had Daniel and I not married months before as some unnamed “sources” declared to the Daily mail on line. After Daniel died, I reached out to her to give her back all the photographs from the time they were together. I never got an answer back from her.

Please ignore the gossip and remember what is essential; the music in Daniel’s heart lingers on in us, in his dear friends, his mother Pat, his siblings who miss him every day, his cousins, his nieces and nephews, his colleagues, his fans, his children, and me.

[From Facebook via The Daily Mail]

The Daily Mail has a few more details about Jennifer and Daniel’s relationship – it was when Jennifer was in her early 20s and living in NYC, before she moved to LA to do Friends. Daniel stayed in NYC and Jennifer quickly moved on with Tate Donovan. After Tate, she dated other dudes and then she met and married Brad Pitt. After Brad, there was Vince Vaughn, that weird British model guy (he always seemed like a rent-a-date), John Mayer, John Mayer again, random non-celebrities, and then Justin Theroux. And out of all of those guys, Jennifer chose to talk about the dead guy who left a widow and two children? So… yeah. Aniston is having a terrible day. She’s going to have to smoke so much pot to relax today.



Photos courtesy of WENN.
