Page Six: Justin Theroux loves lifts, skinny jeans & a healthy dose of eyeliner


Justin Theroux wears guyliner and lifts. And somehow that one-sentence story got spread out into a Page Six item. Page Six’s sources claim that since he’s been with Jennifer Aniston, Justin has gotten increasingly high-maintenance about his appearance. Okay, they don’t say specifically that it started when he got together with Aniston, but it’s something everyone has documented about their relationship. He was once a scruffy hipster and Jennifer “cleaned him up.” She doesn’t like beards, so he ditched the beard. She didn’t like his flea-market hipster clothes so he started wearing skinny-fit suits. She didn’t like the cheap jewelry so he started wearing expensive watches and gold-plated skull jewelry. And now this: guyliner and lifts!

Justin Theroux is a little high-maintenance over his look.

We’re told the actor has taken to wearing a healthy dose of eyeliner — and his wife, Jennifer Aniston, advises him on the brands that might best flatter his brown eyes.

A different source spilled that Theroux is very particular about his red-carpet look. We’re told that he likes his clothes to accentuate his slim-yet-muscular physique and, since he is a touch sensitive about his 5-foot-9-inch frame, likes to wear shoes that give him as much height as possible.

[From Page Six]

Are we supposed to be appalled that Justin wears eyeliner? I’ve seen photos of Justin for years where I’ve thought, “He looks like he’s wearing some eye makeup.” Particularly mascara. I personally love when a guy will pull out some eye makeup for fun or to look better. Jeremy Renner is another one – he wears guyliner on the red carpet all the time. I think it’s cute! Anyway, yeah… Justin wears lifts. He’s a small guy, and he likes to look taller. Like half the men in Hollywood.



Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.
