Andrew Garfields beard has gotten crazy: hipster nonsense or next-level hobo?


Emma Stone usually looks uncomfortable whenever she gets pap’d in NYC (her home city), especially when she’s with her boyfriend of several years, Andrew Garfield. But maybe she was especially uncomfortable yesterday when they got pap’d because of Andrew’s next-level hobo beard. That’s right, I said it. HOBO BEARD. At first, Andrew rocked a normal-looking beard, which sort of suited him. Then it got longer and weirder, and it just seemed like some stupid hipster trend. But it’s gotten too long for a hipster trend at this point. It’s just full-on hobo. Dear Emma: ask him to trim it, at the very least.

It could be that Andrew is growing out his hobo fur because he’s depressed. Part of the Sony Hack revealed that Andrew is very likely out of the Spider-Man franchise, which is too bad. I mean, I never watched either of Andrew’s Spider-Man movies, but I think he’s being blamed for a stupid corporate decision: they never should have rebooted the Spider-Man franchise so soon after the Tobey Maguire films, you know?

You can read more about the Spider-Man situation here. The basic gist is that for months now, Sony executives have been working behind the scenes to license Spider-Man for Marvel’s Captain America 3 and Andrew is nowhere to be found in any of the negotiations. They’ve already decided to push him out of the franchise. Once the second film failed to perform as well as expected, a third Spider-Man film was shelved indefinitely. Plus, there was some executive bitching about Andrew’s pointed comments about Sony several months ago, and he failed to show up for a Sony corporate dinner this past July. To be fair to him, he probably knew at that point that he wasn’t going to be Spider-Man for much longer. Still, that’s pretty unprofessional.


Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News and Fame/Flynet.
