Mel Gibson now demanding a DNA test on Oksanas baby

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It seems Mel Gibson only trusts pregnant girlfriend Oksana as far as he can throw her. Mel has been harangued by his adult children and his soon-to-be ex-wife into demanding a DNA test on the child Oksana is carrying. According to the National Enquirer, the kids want to make sure that Oksana’s baby is “a rightful heir to his fortune.” Except I read that as “a rightful heir to the Crazy throne.” Mel’s kids aren’t the only ones worried – apparently, he’s been getting crap from the people at his church, too. It seems the general consensus for everyone around Mel is that Oksana is a gold-digger who got pregnant to get a nice slice of Mel’s fortune. Shocking!

So who else could have fathered this baby? The best hunch the Enquirer can come up with is Oksana’s ex-boyfriend, music producer David Foster. But who really thinks Oksana would have stupid enough to get pregnant with someone else‘s baby? She took one look at Mel and saw the crazy cash register:

Dad-to-be Mel Gibson is asking his pregnant girlfriend to agree to a paternity test on their baby to determine if he’s really the father!

[Mel] agreed to seek a DNA test after his grown children and close friends persuaded him to make sure the baby is a rightful heir to his fortune.

“Mel really loves Oksana, but he’s a businessman, too. He really had no choice but to ask for a DNA test,” a source close [Mel] told the Enquirer.

[Mel] made the decision after speaking with friends and with the grown children he had with his estranged wife Robyn, the source divulged.

“Some of Mel’s closest friends in his church convinced him that it’s the practical thing to do. There’s just too much at stake,” the insider said.

“Mel doesn’t believe that Oksana has been with anyone else, but after hearing misgivings from his children and friends, he decided he had no choice. Oksana wasn’t happy about it, but once her baby is born, there will be a paternity test.”

[The] April 13 divorce suit filed by Gibson’s long-suffering wife Robyn has set the stage for a bitter battle over his billion-dollar fortune.

Sources say Mel has been hearing rumors about the possibility that [Oksana had] been seeing her ex, award-winning music-producer David Foster. But there’s no evidence that her baby is anybody’s but Mel’s.

“Mel was sick and tired of the questions about Oksana’s loyalty, but it finally got to him,” adds the source. “He didn’t want to bring up the subject of a DNA test to her, but he realized he had no choice.”

His kids have pressured Gibson to take a paternity test, insisting that he get physical proof that the child is really his, confides the source.

“Some members of Mel’s family believe Oksana is a gold digger,” an insider adds. “It’s hard for Mel to hear that. He says he’s agreed to the DNA test not for himself, but for his family.”

[From The National Enquirer, print edition, June 15 2009]

For Oksana, it’s not all pain, suffering, mistrust, dirty deeds and dealing with Mel’s nasty, drunken self. According to a separate report form In Touch, Mel is already making sure that Oksana, her 11-year-old son and the baby will be taken care of no matter what. In Touch has Mel buying Oksana a $2.4 million home in Sherman Oaks, California. It’s not exactly Mel’s extensive multi-million dollar spread in Malibu, but it’s not too shabby:

Mel Gibson [bought Oksana] and her 11-year-old son, Alexander, a charming $2.4 million love nest. The 3,468-square-foot home in Sherman Oaks, CA has four bedrooms and three-and-a-half baths, plus indoor and outdoor fireplaces and fountains in the backyard.

“It’s a beautiful place,” says one observer.

Despite the house, a rep for the actor denied a Chicago Sun-Times report that Mel will also pay Oksana “$10 million once the child is born later this year, $40,000 a month in child support and pay for all educational expenses through college.”

[From In Touch, print edition, June 15 2009]

Yes, Mel denied that payment plan that the Chicago Sun-Times reported – because Mel is waiting for the DNA test to come in. Once it’s established that it’s Mel’s baby (I’m sure it is), the payment system will be back on, I’m positive. It’s almost enough to make me wish I had a rich sugar daddy. How rich is Gerard Butler these days?

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