Zawe Ashton: Making a commitment to work on yourself is sexy

Zawe Ashton stars in Mr. Malcolm’s List, out now on demand! It’s a regency romcom in the style of Downton Abbey and I’m excited to see it. I didn’t realize I could rent it at home and it’s reasonable too, it’s not a $20 rental at this point. Zawe, who is expecting her first baby with Tom Hiddleston, has a new quick Q&A interview with Elle UK. She and Tom have been private about her pregnancy for the most part and she doesn’t dish on her preparations for the baby or anything. She does have some wise things to say about self love and personal growth. The more I learn about Zawe the more I like her. She gives thoughtful interviews. Here’s some of what she told Elle UK, with more at the source.

Zawe Ashton… said the concept of ‘ice cream on a stick’ actually sums up her personality perfectly, which is ‘sweet, enjoyable and relatively low maintenance’.

Discussing her biggest beauty faux pas, Ashton recalled: ‘All the way through university I was definitely wearing a concealer that was about 10 shades too light for me,’ before clarifying: ‘Not even light,’ but rather a ‘chalky mismatched tone’.

Talking self-love, Ashton said: ‘I think making a commitment to continually work on yourself is, is is probably one of the sexiest things you can do to be honest.

‘And you don’t necessarily think that when you’re a lot younger and your dating and your getting into relationships, but making making that vow to continue to grow as a human being and to continue to investigate the more complex parts of yourself or the most broken parts of yourself or the less attractive parts of yourself is a huge gift that you can give.’

She continued: ‘Learning how to fall back in love with yourself I think will always guarantee you being able to continuously fall in in love with anyone else.’

[From Elle UK]

That’s really deep actually, that you need to fall back in love with yourself. So many people talk about loving yourself, but what about falling in love with yourself? Like giving yourself time to notice and appreciate the things you do and care about. I also like the line I put in the title about how working on yourself and healing yourself is sexy. For too long I tried to push things down that I didn’t want to face but that just leads to unhealthy coping mechanisms. I’m learning that we’re all broken in different ways and that if I face those things I can move forward. I like that Zawe also loves ice cream and thrift shopping. She’s also said that she’s superstitious, so we have a lot in common. I am excited for her to welcome her baby with Tom but I get the sense that we won’t hear about it right away, nor will we see photos of the baby.

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