Ice-T admits hes never eaten a bagel in my life, never had a cup of coffee either

Nordstrom Mens Store NYC VIP Party

I have some weird food “things” so I appreciate it when other people also have food weirdness. I’ve spoken before about how I loathe milk and cheese, to the point where I actually get quite nauseous if I smell melting cheese, and I will absolutely throw up if you try to make me drink a glass of milk. Did you also know that I’m not a coffee drinker? I like coffee-flavored things, and I’m developing quite a problem with McDonald’s Frappes, but I have never sat down and had a cup of coffee. It turns out that Ice-T is the same – he’s never had a cup of coffee, and he’s never had a bagel?

Lol. I’ve never eaten a Bagel in my life…

— ICE T (@FINALLEVEL) November 9, 2018

White people.. Don’t lose your Fn minds because I’ve never eaten a Bagle.. Take it easy…. lol

— ICE T (@FINALLEVEL) November 9, 2018

I’ve never drank a cup of Coffee ☕️ either… Go CRAZY!!!

— ICE T (@FINALLEVEL) November 9, 2018

It happens, although I’m not sure how it can happen if you live in New York? Maybe this is an unfair stereotype about New Yorkers, but don’t you guys live on coffee and bagels? True story though: I don’t have much of a taste for bagels, although if you toast one up for me and put some butter on it, I’ll eat it. It’s just not my first choice? Does that make me weird? Does it make Ice-T weird? He seems like the kind of guy who has very specific food likes and dislikes and he probably isn’t that adventurous. Not all of us can be foodies, peeps.

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